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Court Clerk:

Kim Reitz


Court Location: 132 Main Street, Leicester, New York 14481
Mailing Address: PO Box 226, Leicester, New York 14481
Phone: 585-382-9419
Fax: 585-382-9753




Office Hours: 

Monday – 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

Tuesday – Closed

Wednesday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Thursday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Friday – Court clerk hours 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. (The court office and Town Hall are closed but phone calls are accepted)


Court Hours: Court ADA night is the Second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Civil cases are handled per case. Contact the court for further information on scheduling a civil matter.


If you are looking for a potential reduction or wish to handle this matter via US mail, please email the District Attorney at or call the District Attorney’s office directly at 585-243-7020



*If you are needing help or information for the filing of an eviction or you need the appropriate forms, please go to

(the court office does not provide forms for Evictions)


Wayne Scofield

Sarah E. Durbin


Assigned District Attorney:

Ashley Williams


Kim Reitz


Adjournments may be granted with good cause by contacting the court prior to the court date


Plea By Mail by signing and dating Part A (guilty) or Part B (not guilty) on the right side of your traffic ticket and mail to the court. The court will respond accordingly. You must appear in person for any Misdemeanor charges.


Plea In Person by appearing before the Judge at the time designated on your traffic ticket. You may also drop off your plea during office hours. A fine letter or new court date would be mailed to you.


Bench or Jury Trials are scheduled by the Court upon request to the Judge.


Payment of Fines may be made with cash, money order, certified check or debit/credit card. No personal checks. Upon request, extra time may be given for payment.

© Town of Leicester, NY

Website Design and Management by Genesee Valley Web Marketing

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